9 Steps to Transformation

Awakening, Healing, Enlightenment, Ascension and Transformation In Today's World

Support, Empowerment, Love and Compassion From Compass Rose, A Holistic Healing Center, Inc

Many people we meet at Compass Rose arrive a bit life weary and uncertain how to remedy their situation. Relationship related anxiety and depression bring some people to us. An increasing number of people are arriving with addictions to substance, behaviors, and other people. Very commonly presented are struggles with finances and health. Each of these situations affect most of us at some point in our lifetime.

We believe it is important to emphasize that we've done nothing wrong. We are living a human experience too far and too long disconnected from our Soul and Source. It is comforting and inspiring to know we are not failing. We have wandered off course, but we are destined to find our way back and heal from the human experiences we find difficult.

The path to peace is guaranteed to each of us. The courage and fortitude is something we have to find within. Our guidance will meet us on the path, but we must maintain our focus to arrive at our highest potential. We are all intended to transform our lives.

There has never been a more opportune time to begin the journey.

  1. Awaken to a knowing that life is more than a mundane existence

  2. Surrender what is known, albeit not working, for a better life

  3. Commit to healing your human experience

  4. Release trapped emotions, heal dysfunctional relationships, take your personal space back

  5. Shift, Lift and Recalibrate

  6. Ego Rebellion / Ego's last stand

  7. Recommit to Soul's journey and conscious awareness

  8. Continue with healing path via transformational healing methods, energy work

  9. Meditate daily, maintain attitude and altitude staying connected to the divine


©Stacia Zadra, RMT | www.changeyourcompass.com | www.soulconsciousliving.com

Posted in Compass Rose, Emotional Healing, Growth, Relationships on Jul 30, 2019