Emotion Code for Kids and Animals

The Emotion Code, developed by Bradley Nelson, is a method of releasing trapped emotions from a Heart Wall and various organs in the body. It may be used with children, adults and animals. The Emotion Code can be used to release trapped emotions that cause physical pain, emotional distress and/or mental or behavior issues.

Babies who have had a traumatic birth experience, or who have parents who express negative emotions can soak up these emotions and they can become trapped. Individuals can "take on" the negative emotions of those around them, as well. Individuals can have inherited trapped emotions that have been passed down from generation to generation. We have had clients release a trapped emotion that started as many as 99 generations ago. This can help to explain why some children are born with a pre-existing condition or a birth defect.

Dr. Nelson believes that trapped emotions contribute to most, if not all, diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. The tissues/organs that carry the trapped emotion give up their natural vibration to the vibration of the trapped emotion, which offsets its proper functioning. Imagine the effect this might have on children and what it might mean for those who are diagnosed with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders, or for those having difficulty in school or struggling socially.

Imagine how the Emotion Code can help our animals who, in service to us, take on our emotions and trap them in their own bodies.

At Compass Rose, Emotion Code sessions are available with Sandi Fornwalt, who also does the Body Code along with the Emotion Code.

Posted in Compass Rose, Emotion Code and Body Code on Jul 03, 2019